Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Consultation Exercise II - Programme and registration

To register for the event and for further information, please visit Fife Council's webpage

Programme: Plotting the Future of Allotments in Fife
Wednesday 17th September 2008 6-9pm Rothes Halls, Glenrothes


6.00 - 6.30pm Registration – Tea & Coffee – Stalls

6.30 - 6.40pm Chair’s Introduction & Welcome

Councillor Brian Goodall, Fife Council. Strategic Chair: Housing & Communities Committee

6.40 - 6.50pm Allotments in Scotland

Presentation by Mandy Fooks, Chairperson of the Scottish Allotments & Gardens Society highlighting examples of local allotment strategies and good management practice

6.50 - 7.00pm Supporting Allotment Development

Presentation by Ellen McCance, Project Manager of the voluntary organisation, WECAN’S ‘Food for Fife’ Project; on their work in supporting allotment development and community growing projects.

7.00 - 7.15pm An Overview of Allotments in Fife

Presentation by Peter Howden, Parks Development and Support Manager, Parks & Countryside, Fife Council; on allotment provision in Fife , survey responses and the key aims of the Fife Allotment Strategy.

7.15 - 7.25pm Break & Feedback Opportunity

7.25 - 8.00pm Plotting the Future : Discussion Workshops
Participants will have the opportunity to attend one workshop

Workshop 1. Value, Inclusion & Promotion

What is the value to the community of an allotment site? How do we include and involve as wide a section of the community to enjoy allotment gardening? How do we best promote allotments in Fife?

Workshop 2. Management of Allotments

Are plotholders satisfied with current management arrangements? Would increased self management be beneficial, practical and sustainable? How would self management benefit allotment groups? What benefits could be achieved from an allotment forum?

Workshop 3. Minimum Allotment Standards

Can we develop a set of minimum standards for Fife’s allotments? What would the key ones be?
What improvements are required on existing sites? How can these improvements be achieved? How can we use minimum standards to benefit individual sites? Will standards vary between different types of allotment?

Workshop 4. Meeting the Demand

What are the respective roles of Fife Council planning, community services, and policy teams in supporting the development of new allotment provision? What are the key issues that will influence new development? How can individuals, community groups, agencies and the voluntary sector influence and be involved in meeting the demand?

8.00 - 8.10pm Break & Feedback Opportunity
8.10 - 8.25pm Workshop Feedback

8.25 - 8.35pm Summary & Next Steps
Cllr Brian Goodall

8.35 – 9.00 Thanks, Close & Feedback Opportunity

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

I'm sure everyone who made it along to Glenrothes will report back with their impressions of the event when we next get together.
For my part, I came away with some nice new ideas.
For instance...
Could we landscape the site and promote it as a pleasant place to stroll through?
Is there a possible link up with one of the local arts / heritage groups to see about funding for artwork around the site?
Is there potential to offer a composting service using a commercial fast composter machine to local caterers / fast food outlets / bakers / etc, bringing in a bit of income?